Lesser Spotted Woodpecker nesting update
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Exciting news – we have reports of 19 active Lesser Spot nests, the most ever at this stage of the breeding season.

Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers are excavating nests holes now
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News update: Lesser Spotted Wodpeckers are starting to excavate their nesting cavities, so now is the perfect time to go out and look for them in your local woods. Watch a superb video here

Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers - Review of 2020 nesting season
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Get set for the 2021 breeding season and look out for Lesser Spots now, see our guide to finding and monitoring nests. Despite all the disruption LesserSpotNet volunteers found and monitored 13 Lesser Spot nests last year - our latest newsletter reviews the 2020 nesting season.

Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers really are in trouble
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Long-term trends in the nest survival and productivity of the Lesser Spotted Woodpecker Dryobates minor in Britain
This new paper by Ken Smith and Linda Smith published online in the BTO journal Bird Study on 1st July 2020, analyses nest record data for the last 70 years and shows that Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers really are in trouble in Britain.
Ken and Linda set up Woodpecker Network in 2015 to encourage the study of Lesser Spots to try to find out why they are declining in Britain. Since then woodpecker network volunteers have found and recorded breeding outcomes from over 60 nests. This information put together with historical data from BTO nest records has enabled us to discover what is going on.

Lesser Spotted Woodpecker nests in 2020
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We are pleased to report that Woodpecker Network volunteers found and observed the outcomes of 12 nests this year.
This is despite the COVID 19 strict ‘lockdown being imposed on 23 March, just when everyone was poised to go out looking for breeding Lesser Spot pairs.
The lockdown was eased just in time for a few nests to be found and watched.